2011/10/3 Martin Paljak <mar...@martinpaljak.net>:
> Hello,
> On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 16:07, Ludovic Rousseau
> <ludovic.rouss...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Some pinpad readers have what they call a "firewall". The reader will
>> not allow you to use a VERIFY command without using the pinpad feature
>> i.e. it is not possible to send a PIN 'in the clear' to the card
>> without using the pinpad feature.
> This should be quite limited list and is AFAIK not more than a few
> models at the moment. Maybe adding a note to the nice reader list
> would be useful, for readers which are publicly available and known to
> contain this feature?

Martin, do you have such a list?

The only one I know is the Gemalto pinpad reader "new version". And I
think the firewall feature can be enabled or not depending on the
reader (hardware) configuration.


 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau
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