
> We all agree here that OpenSC is not a semi-closed project and we ask
> you and Marin to confirm that:
> 1) The OpenSC project is owned by the community at large, not one or two
> individuals.
> 2) That Martin and You are system administrators and developers. As
> such, you admit to serve the community. You are not the owners.

I believe that I have very little say in this, as my own contributions
to OpenSC are tinyish. However, let me say that I believe:

- that I do not "own" anything; I have written some code and I have
offered it to whoever is pleased to use it under a specific license;
- that the same applies to all contributors.

I trust Martin and Ludovic to have carried out good work as stewards
(not owners) of the project as a whole – and I believe they will
probably do so in the future – but I also know that they are
volunteers and they are under no obligation whatsoever to serve
anybody. Also, the code is out there under a suitable license; nobody
is keeping it from me or trying to violate the license under which my
own contributions – or anyone else's, for that matter – were provided.

I am a member of the community, but the thought that Martin and
Ludovic are trying to "take over" (take over what?!) hasn't even begun
to speculate about the merest possibility of crossing my mind.

What exactly are you trying to achieve?

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