
On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 09:58, Jean-Michel Pouré - GOOZE
<jmpo...@gooze.eu> wrote:
> Could you have a look at our previous posts and confirm that :
I have a huge backlog in OpenSC inbox folder, which I've not been able
to process for a while or found the mental time to respond to in text
or action, but the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter.

> 1) The OpenSC project is not owned by you but by the community at large.
OpenSC is an open source software project, governed by (mostly) LGPL.
How you interpret it is your own choice.

> 2) That you are a system administrator and developper. As such, you
> admit to serve the community.
Yes, I try to, but it has ups and downs, as it has been previously in
the past ~8 years.

> The reason behind is that we would like to avoid OpenSC becoming another
> project like CCID or Apple Tokend, where one or two persons lock down
> commits.
I find comparing CCID driver (excellent open source project, IMHO) to
Apple Tokend severely flawed.

Apple is apple and they do what they do best: make money. And (ab)use
(legally they are on the edge of being OK, of course) open source
while doing it.

> Please have a look at this page:
> http://smartcardservices.macosforge.org/trac/wiki/team
>> CCID Engineering
>>         • Lead: Ludovic Rousseau
>>         • Dev: Ludovic Rousseau
>> PCSCD Engineering
>>         • Lead: Ludovic Rousseau
>>         • Dev: Ludovic Rousseau
> I am worried that a a small team of committers linked to companies lead
> to interest conflicts. For example, tokend has an outdated CCID, an
> outdated libUSB and only some vendor drivers are updated, including
> Gemalto.

You are talking about Apple, which is famous for not giving a shit and
not commenting anything about their products or developments or
future. The fact that they use pcsc-lite *at all* is IMHO a great
success. Even if they fsck up every now and then, the fact that there
is pcsc-lite on OS X and that you can re-build a newer open source
CCID driver if you want, is great. Do you know that there was another
CCID driver in use on OS X a while ago, that was way worse?

Also, I don't really get what you mean by "tokend has an outdated
CCID, an outdated libUSB and only some vendor drivers are updated,
including Gemalto". You talk on a wrong list about what a private
company (Apple) does with its product(s). Technically, tokend has
nothing to do with CCID and none of us on this list can change
anything about what Apple decides to do or not to do.

If you want to change what *Apple* does, you need to talk to them.
I've tried, I've failed, I've given up. Yes, I still like to use OS X,
but I'm not religious about it. And if you ask me, it costs too damn
much as well (just paid the tax. twice.)

> Furthermore, you don't seem to answer our emails. Which leads me to
> believe that you are acting as an owner and not as a system
> administrator. Please confirm by writing that you are not OpenSC owner.

Read above.

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