> What exactly are you trying to achieve?

Dear Emanuelle,

In the past, main OpenSC developers used to have write access to the
main trunk or at least to their development.

This is no longer the case. The new collaboration tools like GIT are
used to limit the power of the main developers.

Over the past months, OpenSC slowly evolved into a project like
pcsc-lite and tokend:

* Only one or two members control commits. 

* As a result, they are overwhelmed with work and cannot keep on
reviewing patches. Some patches have been around for 6 months.

* pcsc-lite project is asking some companies to pay for review and I am
worried about that. Also I don't trust the way tokend is managed, as I
can see activity around Gemalto drivers, not elsewhere. I know several
companies releasing their own libccid and this is not good. So to make
it clear, I don't trust Ludovic Rousseau to defend our interest,
although he is a good developer. For example, there never was a speed
detection algorithm in libccid, so that some smartcard readers do
initialize at low speed. But some Gemalto readers do initialize thanks
to some libccid hack in code. 

Apple does exactly the same when some CUPS drivers are not comparable in
Mac OS X and other systems. This is rather subtle, but I begin to
understand some marketing techniques.

* For me the next step is a company like Apple or Gemalto taking over
OpenSC. Some reviewers are already Gemalto contractors, this is not a

when reading your statement Emmanuele, we understand that you are
serving the community. Thanks. 

Now we are asking Ludovic and Martin to make a statement where the they
confirm a) and b):
1) The OpenSC project is owned by the community at large, not one or two
2) Martin and Ludovic are system administrators and developers. As
such, you admit to serve the community. They are not the owners.

Is that SO hard to write? Is that being rude? I don't believe so.

Kind regards,
                  Jean-Michel Pouré - Gooze - http://www.gooze.eu

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