Dear Ludovic,

> The "official" repository should be on github
> should be a mirror.
> But gerrit was not working (or I did not know how to use it) so I
> merged pull request on github, that was a mistake. Then the two
> repositories diverged in incompatible ways.
> Maybe OpenSC on github should be deleted and recreated as a copy of
> repository. Or maybe we can achieve the same result
> in a soft way and make the 2 repos to converge again.

My proposal is to simplify the process:
* One single GIT. [1]
* All patches are merged to staging to allow testing [2a]. There could
be a voting process using Genkins if it works OR a lot of reviewers with
commit rights [2b]. We should rely on trust, not hierarchy.
* Staging becomes daily packages for all platforms to allow users to
test [3]
* Daily cron jobs are running on testing servers with smarcards attached
running regression tests [4].
* OpenSC is release on each 1st day every two months [5].

We have set up [3], [4]. [5] is simple as we now have a build farm.
Ludovic, if you don't have time to administer GIT, please let us manage
GIT and give us more freedom to organize as a community. You don't need
to spend that much time if we work in group.

Kind regards,
                  Jean-Michel Pouré - Gooze -

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