On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 11:21:15AM +0100, Dirk Krause wrote:

> So what I think what would be valuable is a 'lightweight agent'
> construction. This would be an AV that basically can't do much except

I typically use a 6DOF-controlled flycam to circumvent issues
with clunky avatars. It would be nice to highlight the flycam
position with a minimal marker, like a point of light with
an optional avatar label or something.

How is the sound broadcast implemented in the server?

> listening/watching/reading, she especially couldn't rezz anything. It's
> a bit like the 'spectator mode' in some games. This way there could be
> big numbers of watchers, thus giving more people the opportunity to
> attend a meeting - practically increasing the number of virtual beings
> in a region, without bringing the region down.
> I could think of at least two ways to acchieve this:
> - a camera woman AV that 'lightweight agents' could hook up to, using
> the client only as a viewer; this would be a bit like a video stream,
> just with less impact, since the rendering is still done in the viewer.
> - a stripped down agent that got rid of everything that causes too much
> stress on either network or server. Unfortunately I don't know how to do
> that because I don't know the OpenSim construction enough. These
> lightweight agents could have a representation (a sphere?) while they
> are online, a distinct place and the ability to look around and maybe
> move slowly.
> By having something like that we could get rid of the 'theres just a
> small number of AVs in every region' dilemma.

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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