The same problem happens to me.

On Feb 17, 2:51 pm, as <souzajo...@aol.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I did sign in on sandbox (step 2) the URL was sandbox.orkut, but I
> could not get into the New Developer Page.
> Still 404.
> Any help.
> Thanks.
> > **The new developer page is located 
> > athttp://sandbox.orkut.com/Main#Developer. There is no link to it from the
> > interface (there will be soon), so bookmark this URL or memorize it to have
> > it handy. However, you can only access it *AFTER* logging into sandbox (step
> > 2). If you try to go there directly without logging in first, you will get a
> > 404 error as if the page didn't exist.
> On Feb 13, 1:06 pm, "Bruno Oliveira (\"btco\")" <bru...@google.com>
> wrote:
> > The new Developer Page is up, and with that, the application development and
> > submission flow is now considerably different (and, we hope, easier to
> > understand).
> > *
> > *
> > *New Application Development/Submission/Review Workflow*
> > By btco, 2011-02-13
> > *0. Before we start...*
> > *Warning #0:* The new developer page is working but please bear with us as
> > we polish some rough edges that still exist. Please read this guide
> > thoroughly before using the new page. The workarounds and known issues are 
> > highlighted
> > in red.
> > *Warning #1:* Much of the information here overrides what is currently
> > written in other documentation posted in code.google.com/apis/orkut. If you
> > see an inconsistency, please follow what we say here instead of what you see
> > in the older documentation.
> > *1. Sandbox signup*
> > **If this is your first time developing an application (or if you are using
> > a new profile you just created and you never developed an application with
> > it), the first thing you have to do is sign up for the orkut Developer
> > Sandbox <http://sandbox.orkut.com/SandboxSignup.aspx>. If you've already
> > done that some time in your life with this profile, you don't need to do
> > this again. If you already had signed up for sandbox in the old
> > development/submission/review workflow, you do not need to sign up again.
> > It's the same sandbox, it's just a different process!
> > *[ Tip ]** Use a separate Developer Profile*
> > If you have a personal profile on orkut, please use a separate profile for
> > application development. This will make your life much easier and more
> > organized!
> > *[ Tip ] If sandbox is ever offline...*
> > Yes, sandbox is offline sometimes because it's very new code and sometimes
> > it fails or becomes a little slow. If that's the case, please use Prod
> > Sandbox as an alternative (prod.sandbox.orkut.com). You don't have to sign
> > up for prod sandbox separately (your sandbox signup works for prod sandbox
> > too). Prod sandbox is a sandbox environment that's closer to the production
> > environment, since it runs the same binary and has similar flags.
> > *2. Sign into sandbox*
> > **Sign into sandbox by going tohttp://sandbox.orkut.com. After signing in,
> > notice if the URL stays as "sandbox.orkut.com". If it reverts back 
> > towww.orkut.com, something is wrong -- you probably didn't sign up for the
> > sandbox! If you did sign up for sandbox and you are still getting thrown
> > back intowww.orkut.com, it's a bug: please complain at the forum.
> > *3. Access the New Developer Page*
> > **The new developer page is located 
> > athttp://sandbox.orkut.com/Main#Developer. There is no link to it from the
> > interface (there will be soon), so bookmark this URL or memorize it to have
> > it handy. However, you can only access it *AFTER* logging into sandbox (step
> > 2). If you try to go there directly without logging in first, you will get a
> > 404 error as if the page didn't exist.
> > If this is your first time developing an orkut app, please make sure to read
> > at least the OpenSocial Tutorial for 
> > Orkut<http://code.google.com/intl/en/apis/orkut/articles/tutorial/tutorial....>,
> > but please bear in mind that the app testing/submission workflow written
> > there is *out of date* (use this one instead).
> > *4. Add your application to your developer profile.*
> > **To do this, just type the URL to its XML in the box that appears at the
> > top of the page (the one that says "add an application by URL") and clicking
> > the "add" button. After that, you have to reload the page in order for it to
> > work. If you don't do that, your newly added app will not show up. Just to
> > be clear, this step only adds the application to your developer profile so
> > you can run it and test it, this does NOT cause the application to be
> > published. After adding your application here, it will show in your list of
> > applications and you can run it.
> > *5. Test and debug your app.*
> > **Now it's time to test and debug until your app is clean, shiny and ready
> > to hit the shelves. To run your application, simply click the View button
> > under its entry in the Developer Page. Once the app is running, you will
> > notice that the URL changes to something like
> >      http://sandbox.orkut.com/Main#Application?appId=12345678912345
> > The highlighed part above is your AppID, a number that identifies your
> > application. If you ever have a complaint or doubt about your application,
> > always mention this AppID, otherwise we won't be able to do anything for
> > you.
> > *6. My changes aren't showing!*
> > **If you modify your app and the modification is not showing: this is
> > because we keep an internal cache of assets and XML. However, this can be a
> > pain when developing, since you want to see the results of your
> > modifications immediately. In this case, please append the "&bpc=1"
> > parameter to your URL to force a cache bypass. When you do that, you should
> > be able to see your changes immediately:
> >      http://sandbox.orkut.com/Main#Application?appId=12345678912345&bpc=1
> > *7. Polish your XML.*
> > Make sure your XML is well formed and has all the necessary parameters. Your
> > XML should look something like:
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> > <Module>
> >    <ModulePrefs title="*Your App Title Here*"
> >       author="*Your name here (or your company's name)*"
> >       author_email="*youremailh...@domainhere.com*"
> >       description="*A description of your app here*"
> >       screenshot="*http://url/of/your/screenshot.jpg*";
> >       thumbnail="*http://url/of/your/thumbnail.jpg*";>
> >       <Require feature="opensocial-0.8" />
> >       <Locale lang="en" country="us" />
> >    </ModulePrefs>
> > <Content type="html" preferred_width="900">
> > <![CDATA[
> > <!--ALm6fM2Ja1zhd/onBrNuxUWETQAoxE1lyg3WP0pqtO1OfnRFc8e4yPgDuW0oC9l8w1gTqJR 
> > ­oZbx0oQThry4Uo5uBZ87rtmTdLrIpCx0CRuc9pkS3NemA/xDaL2WvlEIDP/wEJXOzNre8-->
> > *...your content goes here...*
> > ]]>
> > </Content>
> > </Module>
> > The funny-looking <!-- ALm6.... --> string is the Verification Token. You'll
> > get it in the next step (verification), it's okay not to have it at first.
> > Naturally, the Locale element should be as appropriate for your application,
> > my example uses US English. Please include all the locales of the users who
> > might reasonably want to play your app. This is because of a current bug
> > (Known Issue K04), which causes users whose locales are not compatible with
> > the application's locale to experience weird bugs (they might see "app not
> > whitelisted" while running the app, and will not be able to post newsfeeds).
> > Always include all this information: author name, e-mail, description,
> > thumbnail, screenshot. If your XML is missing any of the required
> > parameters, your application *will* fail review.
> > *8. Submitting your app.*
> > **When you're done editing your application and you're ready to show it to
> > the world, you have to Submit it. To do that, look up your application in
> > the Developer Page and click the corresponding "Submit" button. You will
> > then be shown a Verification Token that looks like <!-- Aafoiwejfaowijw.....
> > --> (it's longer than that). You must now copy that token and paste into
> > your application's XML. This is done to verify that you are indeed the owner
> > of the application (we presume that if you can write an arbitrary string to
> > it, then it must be because you own it). Please make sure to copy the whole
> > token! It ends in "-->".
> > This verification token MUST go into the <Content> tag of your XML. You you
> > put it anywhere else, the verification service won't find it. And do use *
> > <![CDATA[*, otherwise there might be strange escaping problems that will
> > prevent your application from being verified. Also, DO NOT split the token
> > into multiple lines! Leave it all on the same line:
> > <Content>
> > <![CDATA[
> > <!--ALm6fM2hd...........-->
> > ...your content here...
> > ]]>
> > </Content>
> > After you've added this string to your XML, test that it's really being
> > served *with* that string. Open a different browser and point it to your
> > XML's URL, for example, and check that it's showing the XML *with* the
> > verification token. If you see the plain XML without the verification token,
> > please take action to correct your server's configuration! It is probably
> > caching what it shouldn't.
> > After checking that the new XML with the verification token is indeed being
> > served, you are ready to click the "Verify" button on the Developer Page,
> > which appears right under the Verification Token.
> > After doing that, the page will display a Consumer Key and a Consumer
> > Secret. Write down those values!!! Copy them and paste them to a place of
> > your choice. *WARNING: These values will never be shown again and cannot be
> > recovered, so do not lose them!*
> > *9. My app is now 'pending'. Now what?*
> > If the previous step ended successfully, then your app must now be showing
> > as 'pending', in orange, on the page. This means that your application was
> > submitted and is awaiting orkut's review. Now you must wait until our team
> > reviews your application (the piece of software on our side that does this
> > is called AppReviewer).
> ...
> read more »

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