Nicolas Williams wrote:
> I don't.  cachefs like behaviour could be useful for CIFS as well (and
> some day WebDAV too, why not, and maybe the AFS community would use the
> infrastructure if available).
> The problem with cachefs is that it needs to be a service provided to
> filesystems that filesystems must use explicitly.
As far as what a replacement for CacheFS might be able to do, I'd like 
to see even more of a 'Work Offline' feature than it had in th past. 
Nico mentions using it for CIFS, and Allowing the user to select files 
to be available all the time (on or offline) is one feature CIFS has had 
for a while now, and one I find myslef wishing for often when running 
Solaris on a laptop.

I've used CacheFS quite a bit in the past (mostly for NFS distribution 
of application binaries) and I had planned to use it again in the work 
I'm doing now, well on Solaris anyway, my Linux clients won't have it. 
If it, or something like it were to ever offer true 'work-offline' (with 
or without synchronize on reconnect - useful for r/w, but not needed for 
r/o) I'd end up using it all the time.


> Nico

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