On 03/18/10 12:16 PM, Jennifer Pioch wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 5:09 PM, Darren J Moffat
> <Darren.Moffat at oracle.com>  wrote:
>> On 18/03/2010 15:58, Jennifer Pioch wrote:
>>> ksh93-integration-discuss@ currently has an ongoing discussion about
>>> this and the broken profile shell concept. There are two concurrent
>>> proposals to integrate the concepts of shell builtins and profile
>>> shells.
>> Then this case should be put in waiting need spec until that discussion
>> reaches some consensus.
> Why? The majority in the discussion already said that this is not a
> bug in ksh93. Why should this case wait for something which is not a
> bug?
> Why should this case wait for something where not even a consensus has
> been reached whether the issue is a bug or not? Or is this a delay
> tactic again to stall?

I kindly request that we try to keep the dialog comprising architectural 
review civil and technical in nature.  The last question above crosses 
the line of what is acceptable.  Darren brought up architectural 
concerns that were ultimately addressed in a professional manner by 
providing adequate information.  This was unnecessary.


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