On 03/18/10 09:54 PM, Sebastien Roy wrote:
> Norm,
> On 03/18/10 07:57 PM, Norm Jacobs wrote:
>> It's not that I don't think that the ksh93 built-ins have a place and
>> that they couldn't be a perfectly reasonable default for most people. In
>> some cases, they seem to provide something that is sorely needed in the
>> Solaris userland, a blend of POSIX conforming and GNUish commands.
> I'm afraid I don't understand your initial point.  That's not what the 
> ksh93 shell built-ins provide.  $PATH is still honored, and the 
> built-ins are compatible with the commands that are resolved from 
> $PATH.  You do not suddenly get a blend of POSIX and GNU commands.
I guess I just assumed that there would be one ksh93 built-in here for 
something like basename and that it would take the same arguments and 
function the same regardless of whether ksh93 were executing it in place 
of the /usr/gnu, /usr/xpg4, or /usr/bin version.  Perhaps that's not the 

>   I believe that architecture introduced by PSARC 2006/550 maintains 
> the semantics of $PATH by binding a built-in to a pathname, and only 
> executing a built-in when a $PATH search matches the binding.

Perhaps I am misunderstanding this part of the current case.
> Part 1: ksh93 built in mappings for /usr/gnu/bin utilities
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> The case proposes to enable the following mappings to ksh93 built in
> commands for utilities in /usr/gnu/bin. When the utility is called
> using it's command name, and not the full path, the ksh93 builtin
> will be used instead of executing the /usr/gnu/bin binary.
As I understand that statement

    $ PATH=/usr/gnu/bin:/usr/bin /usr/bin/ksh93 -c "basename --version"


    $ PATH=/usr/gnu/bin:/usr/bin
    /usr/bin/{your-favorite-non-ksh93-shell} -c "basename --version"

will return different results.  Given that I explicitly put /usr/gnu/bin 
at the front of the PATH in the examples, I would expect 
/usr/gnu/bin/basename warts and all.  Though perhaps it's only slightly 
different and perhaps slightly better than the shell built-in bits that 
are things like test, echo, ...

I think that in part, I misread this:
> Interface                               Stability        Description
> ---------                               ---------        -----------
> ksh93 '/usr/gnu/bin/basename' built in  Uncommitted      basename utility 
> with GNU extensions
> ksh93 '/usr/gnu/bin/cksum' built in     Uncommitted      cksum utility with 
> GNU extensions
> ksh93 '/usr/gnu/bin/comm' built in      Uncommitted      comm utility with 
> GNU extensions
> ksh93 '/usr/gnu/bin/cut' built in       Uncommitted      cut utility with GNU 
> extensions
> ksh93 '/usr/gnu/bin/dirname' built in   Uncommitted      dirname utility with 
> GNU extensions
> ksh93 '/usr/gnu/bin/expr' built in      Uncommitted      expr utility with 
> GNU extensions
> ksh93 '/usr/gnu/bin/fold' built in      Uncommitted      fold utility with 
> GNU extensions
> ksh93 '/usr/gnu/bin/join' built in      Uncommitted      join utility with 
> GNU extensions
> ksh93 '/usr/gnu/bin/logname' built in   Uncommitted      logname utility with 
> GNU extensions
> ksh93 '/usr/gnu/bin/mkdir' built in     Uncommitted      mkdir utility with 
> GNU extensions
> ksh93 '/usr/gnu/bin/mkfifo' built in    Uncommitted      mkfifo utility with 
> GNU extensions
> ksh93 '/usr/gnu/bin/mktemp' built in    Uncommitted      mktemp utility with 
> GNU extensions
> ksh93 '/usr/gnu/bin/pathchk' built in   Uncommitted      pathchk utility with 
> GNU extensions
> ksh93 '/usr/gnu/bin/paste' built in     Uncommitted      paste utility with 
> GNU extensions
> ksh93 '/usr/gnu/bin/sleep' built in     Uncommitted      sleep utility with 
> GNU extensions
> ksh93 '/usr/gnu/bin/sync' built in      Uncommitted      sync utility with 
> GNU extensions
> ksh93 '/usr/gnu/bin/tee' built in       Uncommitted      tee utility with GNU 
> extensions
> ksh93 '/usr/gnu/bin/tty' built in       Uncommitted      tty utility with GNU 
> extensions
> ksh93 '/usr/gnu/bin/uniq' built in      Uncommitted      uniq utility with 
> GNU extensions
> ksh93 '/usr/gnu/bin/rmdir' built in     Uncommitted      rmdir utility with 
> GNU extensions
> ksh93 '/usr/gnu/bin/wc' built in        Uncommitted      wc utility with GNU 
> extensions
to mean that

    $ ksh93 -c "/usr/gnu/bin/basename"

would use the ksh93 basename built-in, which supports GNU extensions.  
Though that does seem in conflict with the paragraph that precedes the 
table.  I gather that it means that

    $ PATH=/usr/gnu/bin:/usr/bin /usr/bin/ksh93 -c "basename"

will use the ksh93 basename built-in, which happens to support GNU 

>> For several paths on the system, customers expect certain behaviour
>> /usr/xpg4 XPG4 compatible behaviour
>> /usr/xpg6 XPG6 compatible behaviour
>> /usr/gnu GNU/Linux compatible behaviour
>> /usr/ucb SunOS/BSD 4.X behaviour
>> /usr/5bin SVR3 compatible behaviour
>> ...
> Given that the shell honors compatibility within each of the 
> applicable paths for which it provides built-in bindings, there 
> doesn't seem to be any issue regarding "compatible behavior".

If ksh93 built-ins are really drop-in replacements for the interfaces 
they intend on interposing on under ksh93 (/usr/bin, /usr/xpg4, 
/usr/gnu, ...), then we should be delivering a wrapper/link to the ksh93 
version so that we have consistency regardless of shell/execution 
environment.  It could be the intention of this case and that I just 
missed it in my read through.  If they are direct replacements, then 
they should use delivered as such.  If they are not direct replacements, 
then they should probably not be used in place of their intended target 
under ksh93 only.

This may also have some added benefit in helping us be able to better 
deal with conflict/divergence down the road.


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