On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 08:13:48AM -0700, Garrett D'Amore wrote:
> The fact that we have to put /usr/gnu at the head of $PATH of new
> users is a bit of a travesty, and I'm of the opinion that we should
> reexamine *that* particular decision...

This is merely one opinion.  There are compelling business and
architecture cases for having the default userland be approachable by
the majority of users of other popular unix-like operating systems.  The
/usr/gnu isn't the default in my path either, but it makes a lot of
sense to present a userland that's familiar to users of Linux, and
similar environments.

Anyone is free to create a distro with a different default shell, or
default path.  Anyone is free to change their path as well as their
shell.  Your fixation on /usr/gnu's presence in the default path isn't
productive.  Why make it harder to get users from Linux and elsewhere to
adopt Solaris?

> ... in which case much of the motivation behind *this* case comes into
> question.  (If /usr/gnu isn't the default for most users, then there
> is little motivation to provide builtin wrappers for them.)

I disagree.  Modulo the issues about the profile shell, I see no reason
why it matters that the ARC delve into the minutia of shell builtins.
In general, that's an implementation or configuration detail of the shell.

I would recommend against derailing this case in favor of one about a
grand shell [re-]architecture.  We should be making it easier add
different shells for Solaris.  Using this case as an opportunity to rail
about Gnu is just divisive.


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