On 04/12/10 08:25 AM, Garrett D'Amore wrote:
On 04/ 9/10 05:47 PM, Jordan Brown wrote:
Alan Wright wrote:
I honestly can't see what value a list would add to this case.

I agree. Note also that some have held that once you have put a
Project Private interface into an ARC case, you must run an ARC case
to make any changes to it. That seems like inappropriate overhead and
a good reason to avoid including anything you don't have to.

(If somebody on the ARC wants to say "No, that's not true, you don't
have to do that", that would be great. I still wouldn't understand the
benefit, but at least that cost would go away.)

In case it wasn't clear, my earlier reply said "should" not "must". I.e.
if you're changing the kstats its a good idea (IMO) to post an update to
the case log (although this is pretty darned easy), but I don't think
anyone on ARC is going to force you to do this, any more than they were
forcing you to list the kstats in the first place.

I have to admit, I don't understand the resistance to just posting the
list... it should take far less time than you've already spent arguing
why you shouldn't need to do it. Of course, if you have a compelling
reason why you should not post such a list (as opposed to why you
shouldn't be "required" to post the list), then I'd like to hear it.

In any case, if I have not already done so, +1 on this case. I still
hope you'll post the expanded list of kstats, but its fine if you don't.
(Hrmm, I didn't post the list of kstats for Boomer either.)

-- Garrett

Thanks for the +1.

My main concern is that smbstat is a consumer and using a consumer
as a vehicle for documenting a consumed interface doesn't seem
appropriate - both as a mechanism and for traceability.  I'd really
prefer that this case remain a simple update to smbstat output format.

I think we should have mentioned the kstats in PSARC 2006/715 and I'd
be more comfortable submitting a separate addendum to that case to
describe them than burdening smbstat with being the vehicle to document
smbsrv kstats.  I'll take that as an action item.

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