On Wed, Dragan Cvetkovic wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Spencer Shepler wrote:
> >>
> >>It seems that the transfer start quickly, but after some time it gets
> >>slower and slower.
> >
> >(note: in the future the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list may be a
> >better target for these discussions).
> Ah, didn't know that it exists. OK, my next problem will go there, I am 
> not subscribed there yet.
> >Without the aid of a snoop trace of this interaction, I am going to
> >guess that there may be something going on with the x86 server.
> >The NFS client, especially in Solaris 10, is aggressive about read-aheads
> >and the read sizes it generates are larger than ftp would generate.
> >So the classic problem is usually one where the client/server is unable
> >to handle the back-to-back network traffic.
> >
> >To confirm something like this, a snoop trace at both the client and server
> >would be needed; if such a snoop trace is generated, a pointer to it would
> >be best or you can send it to me directly.
> Will do. What do you want me to snoop? cp or dd? what block size? If 
> copying 300MB takes 2 hours to finish, do you want the whole snoop or 
> shall I limit it?

Just a short (2 minutes) should suffice.  HOwever, in the other mail
you noted that there were the very high number of carrier_errors.
That is likely the problem, right?

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