|> > I'd word this slightly differently: there is merit in being given the
|> > choice during OS install of "do you want to install freeware as well?".
|> > Where exactly this freeware comes from, especially for non-Sun
|> > distributions, may be up for debate.
|> +1. It'd be great for the OS install to present choices of where to get
|> freeware from.

That's not quite what I was saying.

Most people probably *don't* want a prompt saying "which of the following 4-5 
repositories do you want to get your freeware from (companion, blastwave, 
sunfreeware.com, etc)?"  Too many choices.  Especially for people who just want 
to install the OS and are not familiar with why they might want to choose one 
rather than another.

So better for each distribution to pick a default repository (which may vary 
different distributions).  If necessary you can add some type of "advanced" 
button in the installer to select different sources, but you should not force 
people to choose if they don't want to.

Hooks for advanced users to choose are OK though.

|> (My point was that there will probably always be some people who will
|> want the vendor-blessed freeware.)

One of the key points of a distribution (surely) is that someone has worked out 
a good set of choices so the users can just install.  So there should be more 
than "some people" -- if not the vendor did not make a good choice of what to 
bless.  [*]


[*] Granted that the companion CD has not been the best, historically.

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