On Friday 02 December 2005 02:15 am, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> If compression is the only feature you "need", better use star.

So I should load yet another tar on my system...<sigh>

No, I should have one tar that works for everything I need, old and new 

Wether it's tar, gtar, star, doesn't matter. I want it to be tar.

> And BTW: star has aprox. twice as much features as GNU tar.

Features are only important if I need them.;-)

> As I already noted in
> another mail, I am currently not sure about your goals for this discussion.

No goals at all. I was just pointing out that the OpenSolaris community is at 
a terrible dissadvantage if they maintain more than one version. The 
fragmentation will kill us.

> If you like to start a discussion on "selecting the best application from
> a list of similar ones for placing it into /usr/bin", we also need to talk
> about general compatibility. This is where e.g. /usr/sfw/bin/gtar is
> creating problems.

Agreed, but /usr/sfw/ is the root of it all, just as /opt/csw/, or /opt/sfw/, 
or /usr/pkg, or /usr/sun...this will hurt in the end.


Alan DuBoff - Sun Microsystems
Solaris x86 Engineering

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