Alan DuBoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 02 December 2005 02:15 am, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> > If compression is the only feature you "need", better use star.
> So I should load yet another tar on my system...<sigh>

Mmm, if you take it this way, then gtar is "just another tar" - star
is 4 years older ;-)

> No, I should have one tar that works for everything I need, old and new 
> alike.;-)
> Wether it's tar, gtar, star, doesn't matter. I want it to be tar.

So what do you like to do?

Do you like to remove all but one tar from your system?
If I had to decide on that, I would keep star....

If you have a different goals, please name them.

> > And BTW: star has aprox. twice as much features as GNU tar.
> Features are only important if I need them.;-)

This seems to be an argument from a UNIX user from the pre-pipe area.
Steve Bourne once mentioned: "One day after we did introduce pipes,
we could no longer imagine how we did live without them...."

If you don't read the star man page, you don't know which features you
are missing. All people who did start working with star, made it their
favorite tar short time later.

I use star on a dayly base and if I would be limited to gtar or Sun tar,
my life would be harder.

So let me repeat my question: Do you like to start a discussion where the
questions similar to: "which tar do we keep in future?"

> No goals at all. I was just pointing out that the OpenSolaris community is at 
> a terrible dissadvantage if they maintain more than one version. The 
> fragmentation will kill us.

This did already happen because people decided to create a new distribution 
instead of helping with an existing one.

> > If you like to start a discussion on "selecting the best application from
> > a list of similar ones for placing it into /usr/bin", we also need to talk
> > about general compatibility. This is where e.g. /usr/sfw/bin/gtar is
> > creating problems.
> Agreed, but /usr/sfw/ is the root of it all, just as /opt/csw/, or /opt/sfw/, 
> or /usr/pkg, or /usr/sun...this will hurt in the end.

Deciding on the best way to deal with FOSS additions to Solaris is something 
that will happen _after_ we found a way to avoid unneeded new distributions
and a way to make cooperation happen instead.

Tar wars are not the cause of fragmentation but a result.....


 EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
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