Stefan Teleman wrote:

On 12/21/05, Ian Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Why the hostility, when I only asked a polite question?

I find this incessant Blastwave promotion patently unfair.

How come none of the Blastwave promoters ever mentions the work done
by Steve Christensen with Sunfreeware, or the work done by The Written
Word ? And i am quite certain they are others i forget right now.

While I have never used The Written Word, I have used and promoted Sunfreeware over the years. I just use what's best for me, which at the moment requires some form of automatic update.

There was a time, not so long ago, when Sunfreeware was the *only*
where GNU/OpenSource software for Solaris was available for download.
Sunfreeware *still* maintains and publishes packages for Solaris, on
both X86 and SPARC. So does The Written Word.
I have no problem with that.  If the shoe fits, use it.

The reason i am involved with KDE and OpenSolaris is because i believe
that individuals are entitled to certain freedom rights insofar as
software is concerned, and because i believe that freedom, openness,
honesty and fair play foster creativity and innovation. Openness,
honesty and fair play carry a responsibility on the part of those
involved in free software: one must be willing to take a back seat in
this show, because the show is not about particular distributions, or
individuals, but about freedom, innovation and creativity.

Don't forget how Blastwave started, it grew as a community effort and it still is. One look at the list of maintainers shows this.

Maybe what we require from all the distributions is a common means of identifying versions, so a package installer can search for <package X><version Y> on the system, regardless of its origin.

This would be a start in cleaning what appears to an outsider to be the messy situation of conflicting version of the same application. Then you wouldn't have to spend your time keeping the KDE dependencies up to date. Freedom can also be freedom for the drudgery of maintaining thins you require, rather than those you want to build and grow. I know, I've been there.

I'd love to use your version of KDE, you do a superb job with KDE on Solaris. But as I have to pay for bandwidth, I don't want yet another set of packages to administer on my system.

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