On 4/14/06, Dennis Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

<snip good, explanatory stuff>

> So we have another stage of verification.  Someone must actually know this
> person and be able to verify them.  Also a really tough policy to enforce.
> I think we had a person in Germany that waited for a while before someone
> could drive over to them and meet them.  We also had to say goodbye to
> another valuable maintainer because he could not be verified.

I can appreciate why such a requirement is in place.  Would it be
possible to update some of the information on blastwave.org to reflect
this?  When reading the packaging standards, maintainer signup form,
etc, I never saw mention of this, and it's a pretty key requirement.

> Have there been exceptions?  Absolutely.  No one ever questioned Eric
> Boutilier or Torrey McMahon (  http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/torrey ) or
> Jörg Schilling.  But some measures, as I am sure you will agree, need to be
> enforced to ensure safety and quality.

Certainly valid exceptions, I am sure ;-)

> Clearly we need to look at your case again.

I would be willing to do what I can for verification.

If you would like to continue this discussion, we can take it off this
list.. Privately or on csw-users (I am subscribed).

Eric Enright
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