Hi Alan,

On Mon, 17 Apr 2006, Alan DuBoff wrote:
> ...
> everyone, the blastwaves, the nexentras, pkgsrc, et
> all...or is this even possible? I think it would be
> possible to give these folks an > option by having a
> common set of libs that Sun and Community participates
> in, what do you think?

We can certainly dream... So are you thinking that we
try to establish something an /opt/groflib (GRand-unified
OpenSolaris Freeware Library), mangaged by a non-partisan
"governing" body. And encourage all stacks to contribute
to maintaining a high quality/quantity /opt/groflib, and
(more importantly, (IMO) agree to treat /opt/groflib with the
same deference as they now treat /usr/lib...
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