On Mon, 2006-04-17 at 22:08 -0700, ken mays wrote:
> Going back to the comments about Nexenta build system:

Nexenta build system == Debian build system

The equation above means that NexentaOS following
Debian Policy[1] as close as possible. This is done on purpose.
Since a) we now can collaborate with Debian community and push our
changes upstream; b) we can easily migrate huge amount of packages under
NexentaOS APT repository.

> 1. What ever happened to running Debian/Linux packages
> natively (or by wrapper)??
> 2. Can we build from Nexenta in providing "Debian"
> packages for Schillix, SXCR, and Belenix???

I thought about it. Technically it is possible, but it will require to
add GNU personality to the OpenSolaris core of those OSes and provide
set of meta-packages which will cover the package name diversions.

Sing up on gnusol-devel@gnusolaris.org and we could discuss details a
bit more. Since we are seeing demand on somewhat similar task, i.e. Sun
personality for GNU/OpenSolaris.

> 3. What is being done currently with colleges,
> universities, and organizations?? Isn't NetBSD doing
> work in providing packages/ports to Solaris using the
> NetBSD build system?!?
> We seem to have lost track of the previous work that
> was being done to provide Debian packages to Solaris.
> There was the Linux/FreeBSD style wrapper for running
> Linux packages on Solaris and then the native source
> compiles of the same package base used for the Debian
> packages (17,000->20,200+ packages). We can take all
> of the current GNU source code as a start and see what
> builds and doesn't build using the Sun Studio 11
> compiler or GCC.
> That would be a start for someone. Everything else
> starts to become personal taste....
> ~ Ken Mays

[1] http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/


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