On Tue, Apr 18, 2006 at 05:54:15PM -0500, Eric Boutilier wrote:
> Philip Brown wrote:
> >The thing about all that, is that it forces the machine to be closer and
> >closer to a linux machine, until eventually, it becomes nothing more than a
> >linux machine with a user-invisible solaris kernel.
> >  
> >
> Gong! -- You violated my pet peeve -- one of the two[1] flagrant abuses 
> of the word Linux.
> Your punishment: 1000 sentences:
> Nexenta boxes are Debian/Nevada machines, they are not "Linux machines".
> Nexenta boxes are Debian/Nevada machines, they are not "Linux machines".

Pffft... everyone here understands what is meant, and it's a lot easier
than trying to describe,

  closer to  'one of those types of machines that is based around 
   what is commonly called a "linux distribution", and/or
   a Linux Standards Base compliant system in addition to adhering to
   all the system-administration admin level issues, which may or may
   not be specified in the LSB mentioned hereabove


> [1] The other one is using "Linux Community" to refer to all users
> and implementors of open-source and open operating systems --

well, that isnt even close to being accurate :-P whereas mine was clearly
just a contraction :-)
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