Shawn Walker wrote:
I thought the same thing. The first thing I did when I saw the name "muskoka" being thrown around 
was to search for it on wikipedia. While it's "cute" and all, I relaly think that mailing lists 
should have a blindingly obvious title :) The suggested name of, "Solaris Kernel Mailing List"; 
seems rather appropriate.

There is no hidden meaning. I picked muskoka for the project because there is an internal machine within Sun which serves a similar purpose for engineering, it has slideware, home pages, etc. - various random things - hosted there. The name is purposely obscure. It's just meant to be a hodge-podge repository of random techno-babble. :)

As for the technical discussion list, as I've said before, I don't care about the means as long as we accomplish the ends. For all I care we can call it [EMAIL PROTECTED], and as long as everybody knows to go there for technical questions, spec posts, and RFC submissions.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] does not fit the bill, sorry. Neither does SKML. The intent was to have a broader-reaching technical discussion list. Linux is a kernel; OpenSolaris is an *os*. I would like the mailing list to reflect that difference in reality, although the mission is certainly similar.

I suggest that, if folks really want a kernel mailing list, we should add a kernel community. There is plenty of innovation going on in core kernel infrastructure; I've seen everything from research on queued spinlocks and mutexes to a suggestion of a dispatcher redesign to a complete virtual memory system overhaul.

Getting back to the topic of this thread, I'll throw a random suggestion out there: tech-discuss.

- Eric
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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