There is the small piece of the pie in which the
community really needs the support of Sun engineers in
provide quality desktop environments and graphic
libraries comparable to competing server/desktop OSes.

Namely, KDE/GNOME support which is being done very
well by the OpenSolaris desktop community. The user's
desktop experience is what gets mentioned the most in
even the linux magazines besides whether they can use
UNIX desktop versus a Windows one.

The other is having a tool like apt-get in which you
can install software from a CD/DVD archive set of from
a remote mirrored FTP site (kinda like Cygwin
methodology). You can see what you have installed on
your system and then get the updates on what is
available on the mirrors to update your

ANY of the current Solaris package builder can then
support the concept. I think the Nexenta team has done
an excellent job in that regards. Also, after some
assistance I noticed that we actually could have the
same number of packages as Debian or FreeBSD (i.e.
14,000-20,200+ packaes/ports) with just a little elbow
grease build logs and bug reporting. All through the
autobuilding system and a very similar type system.

So, why not just work with Nexenta and Debian for now
to test the build of all of Debian's current
stable/testing/unstable packages for Nexenta and see
where that gets us??

Ken Mays
EarthLink, Inc.

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