ken mays wrote:

There is the small piece of the pie in which the
community really needs the support of Sun engineers in
provide quality desktop environments and graphic
libraries comparable to competing server/desktop OSes.

Namely, KDE/GNOME support which is being done very
well by the OpenSolaris desktop community...

That's GREAT to hear.
(... Being done very well by not just the desktop, but the Xorg and OpenSolaris X communities too, I assume).


The other is having a tool like apt-get in which you
can install software from a CD/DVD archive set of from
a remote mirrored FTP site...


+1. (That can not be overemphasized if you ask me.)

I'm not sure Nexenta's implementation is the way to go though. It seems to me that Phil's pkg-get -- being designed around Sun's implementation of the SVr4 packaging standard -- seems like the better candidate, or maybe something new based on the patch software (that is currently used for updating Solaris)...

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