On 5/5/06, Joerg Schilling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"Holger Berger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What if the "application" is the shell itself? The shell cannot access

This is not really true..... the shell may access the files after it has been
started using runat(1) or in case you did 'cd -@ file' on a xattrs enabled

Is there **ANY** shell which actually supports this amyelencephalus?

> those files and many tools dump core when used via runat(1). I'd say

The applicartions that dump core rhn run via runat(1) are broken and
need to be fixed. Note that they will dump also core when used in a non
XATTR environment but only with a lower probability.

Feel free to fix Open Office, the java runtime, tex, gnome-terminal,
lp, ddd, mplayer, ghostscript and likely a lot of other applications
and utilities. And I assume which single shell script provided with
Solaris needs to be fixed, too.

> the current XATTR implementation is doomed - and at least the Linux
> kernel developers agree with that. So far they don't plan to extend
> that voyage and the patches for the kernel are put aside indefinitely
> (Suse and Red Hat even have patches to remove the existing parts from
> their kernel versions).

Please don't  try to use arguments from Linux kernel developers
to prove your statements.

Please don't try to be so snobbish and ignore the expertise and
exceptions of the Linux and BSD people. They have valid arguments
against the Solaris implementation and you still have to prove that my
exceptions about the shell usage are not important.

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