> Dennis Clarke wrote:
>>  I personally have always wondered why the ps command display what root is
>>  doing to ordinary users like as if it is any of their business but that
>>  is another idea I just let rattle around in my head.
> Dennis,
> You can do this (in Solaris 10 and up) by taking away the proc_info
> privilege from a user.
> $ ppriv -vl proc_info
> proc_info
>          Allows a process to examine the status of processes other
>          than those it can send signals to.  Processes which cannot
>          be examined cannot be seen in /proc and appear not to exist.
> To take away proc_info from user xyz you would add the following entry
> to /etc/user_attr:
>       xyz::::defaultpriv=basic,!proc_info

  ooooooh ... one moment .. I have to try that right now !

$ uname -a
SunOS pluto 5.8 Generic_117350-41 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-2
$ who am i
dclarke    pts/2        Jan 14 03:33    (titan)
$ ps -ef | wc -l

# cat /etc/user_attr
# Copyright (c) 1999 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.::::
# /etc/user_attr::::
# user attributes. see user_attr(4)::::
#pragma ident   "@(#)user_attr  1.2     99/07/14 SMI"::::
# remove the right to inspect processes to which a user can not send signals
# essentially make other processes private if the pid is not owned by username

okay ..

$ ps -ef | wc -l

I'll logout and then backin ...

$ ps -ef | wc -l

OKay .. so not a function that works in Solaris 8

Let's look at s10u2 :

$ uname -a
SunOS titan 5.10 Generic_118855-19 i86pc i386 i86pc
$ cat /etc/release
                        Solaris 10 6/06 s10x_u2wos_09a X86
           Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
                        Use is subject to license terms.
                             Assembled 09 June 2006
$ ppriv -vl proc_info
        Allows a process to examine the status of processes other
        than those it can send signals to.  Processes which cannot
        be examined cannot be seen in /proc and appear not to exist.

OKay .. we can expect it to work here then ...

$ ps -ef | wc -l

# Copyright (c) 2003 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# /etc/user_attr
# user attributes. see user_attr(4)
#pragma ident   "@(#)user_attr 1.1      03/07/09 SMI"
adm::::profiles=Log Management
lp::::profiles=Printer Management
root::::auths=solaris.*,solaris.grant;profiles=Web Console
# remove the right to inspect processes to which a user can not send signals
# essentially make other processes private if the pid is not owned by username
"/etc/user_attr" 16 lines, 537 characters

$ ps -ef | wc -l

I guess I have to totally logout and then back in again ...

... and since I have a dozen things going here .. I'll try this tomorrow

Thanks for the pointer


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