> Menno Lageman wrote:
>> Dennis Clarke wrote:
>>>  I personally have always wondered why the ps command display what
>>> root is
>>>  doing to ordinary users like as if it is any of their business but that
>>>  is another idea I just let rattle around in my head.
>> Dennis,
>> You can do this (in Solaris 10 and up) by taking away the proc_info
>> privilege from a user.
>> $ ppriv -vl proc_info
>> proc_info
>>         Allows a process to examine the status of processes other
>>         than those it can send signals to.  Processes which cannot
>>         be examined cannot be seen in /proc and appear not to exist.
>> To take away proc_info from user xyz you would add the following entry
>> to /etc/user_attr:
>>     xyz::::defaultpriv=basic,!proc_info
> And the less you can do as a normal user, the more people will be
> tempted to run as root all the time.  Life (and hence security) is full
> of these little tradeoffs.

No Sir, I don't think so.

I would simply employ more of the RBAC features and perhaps create a user
called admin with considerable influence as well as enable *some* of the
audit features in Solaris.  One has to be careful with that however as you
can fill a disk with audit logs daily on a busy server.

People, ordinary users, do NOT ever need to be root.

Dennis Clarke

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