On 1/15/07, Martin Bochnig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
James C. McPherson wrote:

> Despite the years of experience with ZFS and how it uses kmem...
> IMNSHO the bottom line is this - if you want to have a fair
> crack at seeing what ZFS can do for you, you need a 64bit
> processor and 1Gb of ram.

The OP's question had been, whether or not "Solaris 10 with ZFS" runs
__at all__ on his U10 with only 128MB RAM.

well it may move but it won't run, it may crawl and limp. I have a
blade 1500 with 512MB of ram currently it plays swap everything around
when changes from fileserver to an interactive task, it takes up to
30-45 seconds till i get the box to respond to a carridge return in a
shell. The only hope of getting anywhere decent performance with a u10
is to max out its memory.

James Dickens

Performance would be the next question (while he did not ask it).
He should also replace his U10 with a chep Blade 1000 (below $300 these
days) then.

--Martin Bochnig

> James C. McPherson
> --
> Solaris kernel software engineer
> Sun Microsystems

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