On 1/31/07, Glynn Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Josh Hurst wrote:
> On 1/31/07, Stephen Harpster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm the first to agree that the transition to Mercurial, getting the
>> source outside Sun's firewall, is going slower than I want.
> How do you want to stimulate the growth of the Opensolaris community?
> That may be more important right now. Opensolaris.org remains a small
> fraction, if not the smallest, out of the Open Unix cake composed from
> NetBSD, FreeBSD, DragonFly, OpenBSD, Darwin, Linux and Opensolaris and
> I don't see it GROWING. Just the same people all the time. The request
> sponsor list doesn't grow much either in terms of new contributors
> (just the part with the unsponsored items grows). Just the same people
> all the time.

Give us a break, OpenSolaris is only barely out the door - there's still a
*huge* amount of work to do before things can head in the right direction.

It takes an infinitely large time and work to bootstrap a community - for most
cases it's not an overnight thing. Fortunately OpenSolaris has some fantastic
technology, and best of all some amazingly talented people to tempt many a
developer and general contributor towards the project.

There may never be a community phenomenon quite like Linux in terms of numbers
and the creation of a grass roots environment.

You could make it a community phenomenon quite like Linux if you would
allow people to participate without waiting months to see the
submitted patches integrated. It sucks when a five line patch for a
very dumb bug is queued and no one cares. It sucks when projects like
the ksh93 integration need a year, which is 12 months, 367 days or
just a painful long time to integrate. Do you really think this
encourages contributors? "Come and wait a year to see your code
rejected" is the current official slogan of Opensolaris.org
Which kind of contributor treatment is that?

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