Tom Haynes wrote:
Josh Hurst wrote:

You could make it a community phenomenon quite like Linux if you would
allow people to participate without waiting months to see the
submitted patches integrated. It sucks when a five line patch for a
very dumb bug is queued and no one cares. It sucks when projects like
the ksh93 integration need a year, which is 12 months, 367 days or
just a painful long time to integrate. Do you really think this
encourages contributors? "Come and wait a year to see your code
rejected" is the current official slogan of
Which kind of contributor treatment is that?


Why do you have to get your patches integrated?

Why can't people go to your web-site and get your contributions?


I can't easily word a response to those questions, but I can only imagine they come from a complete and utter misunderstanding of this conversation, and the purposes of the project in general.

The whole point is that people can contribute their changes.
The whole point is that those changes go back into a source tree shared by all.

-- Rich

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