On 2/5/07, Joerg Schilling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"Josh Hurst" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Hmmm, how did JDS/gnome come up here??? Since it has, I assume
> > you don't like the look & feel of JDS, and would prefer Gnome. This
> > is a subjective view rather than a "degradation of quality" or inappropriate
> > for a Open Source project.
> Few examples:
> Linux+Gnome is much faster than Solaris+JDS on the same AMD hardware.
> JDS+Solaris needs more memory than Linux+Gnome (same hardware). 512MB
> are enough for Linux, Solaris starts swapping after a few hours of
> usage and doesn't stop until swap is full. JDS doesn't grok Gnome
> session files from Linux.

So you are missinterpreting things.... The different behavoir is caused
by Netscape and your Netscape usage....

The browser choice does not explain the problems with session files,
memory usage and other desktop performance problems. And I'm using
FireFox and not Netscape.

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