Dennis Clarke writes:
>  Do you feel or even think that we can come up with a way to maintain the
> contents database file as well as perhaps design a better way to roll out
> software packages?


I think it'd be helpful to have a "check pkgmap diffs" mode for
pkgadd, so that can remove stray files after performing an
"instance=overwrite" type of install.  One of the benefits is that we
could eliminate one of the possible failure modes: at the end of a
pkgadd, you'd either have the new package installed, or the old one
would remain.  It wouldn't be possible to remove the old one and fail
to install the new.

Another is that it'd be possible to migrate configuration files and
the like as software versions change.  Right now, we can't know when
you do pkgrm whether you'll ever install a new version of the same
package, so the best we can do is just leave those files on the system
during pkgrm.

I think the rough parts are:

  - Figuring out what to do about older releases, as blastwave
    supports S8 and up, and we're unlikely to be integrating new
    pkgadd features there.  We need a simple way to fall back to the
    older remove-and-install scheme.

  - Deciding what to do about files that move between packages.

  - Enumerating and handling the other corner cases, such as a package
    with a previous instance delivering "usr/lib/foo", a new instance
    without "usr/lib/foo" in its pkgmap, but with a postinstall script
    that does installf on usr/lib/foo.

For the first one, I would propose two things:

  1. For packages that don't make reference to the to-be-removed files
     in preinstall, postinstall, or class action scripts, there's no
     difference between the two mechanisms.  This is, I think, where
     we are today.

  2. For those that end up referring to those files, they'll need to
     be separated into "pre-S11" and "post-S11" versions.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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