--- Alan Coopersmith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Chung Hang Christopher Chan wrote:
> > No dist-upgrade this. So why do we have a monthly
> CD
> > release instead of a monthly kernel package(s)
> > release?
> Because the development release procedure was
> originally designed
> when all the people using them were in a few
> buildings with high
> bandwidth connections around the San Francisco Bay
> Area, and has
> not yet evolved to better fit a world-wide
> distribution to people
> with lower bandwidth.

Bandwidth is not a problem. I guess nobody imagined
that people might think of using it in major server
deployments like some people do with Debian, Centos
and what not.

> And it wouldn't just be the kernel - lots of other
> stuff changes
> each build, but almost every package is rebuilt
> every build, not
> just those with source changes like a Linux distro,
> and no one
> keeps track of which have real change and which just
> have recompiled
> bits.

Surely ON could be rebuilt and other stuff that make
up the rest of the distro be left without change or
maintained seperately? I mean, Solaris 7/8/9 apps are
supposed to work on Solaris 10 right?

Having to use a DVD or CDs to do an upgrade when most
of the stuff does not need reinstalling makes this
required method of updating silly.

How am I to draw Linux guys over or to keep new comers
to Unix from going over to Linux because things are
easier there? Not everyone is going to appreciate
quality if something that is more convenient but of an
acceptable quality exists as an alternative and that
is free too.

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