On Mon, 16 Apr 2007, Shawn Walker wrote:

Alien is a package translator last check, while apt4rpm is just a port
of apt-get, etc. for RPM-based systems.

Yes, alien isn't a transport at all.

apt-get has super cow powers, Alien does not, or something like that ;)

Well, it's funny because it was created as more and more software had started to use rpm formats, and dpkg is completely different, of course. Alien is actually a good name.<g> It creates alien packages from the original format.

Debian has always had a black eye for not using rpm by some, and when companies like Intel (compiler for Linux) or Legato (rpm) or Oracle (Red Hat centric), it requires that users/developers use that system for ease of use, or jump through hoops.

alien can convert some of that, but it can only change packages, some of the problem is install scripts, etc...this is all very similar to how Solaris/OpenSolaris fights the open source communities with a different way of doing things.

No system to date is without sacrifice in some way for Solaris. I'd like to hear a lot more of how we can make Solaris be itself. I mean this in regards to pkgsrc wanting things in /usr/pkg, belenix wanting /usr/foss, and even Solaris using /usr/sfw...or duplication of libs running wild amongst the community, and even the gcc vs. SunStudio ABI situation with c++ code. This cross-ABI problem seems to bite us hard. Maybe the idea that our community can work together as a whole is merely a dream.

We're sure a lot better off today than we were a few years ago...the Solaris kernel has always been a sleeper of a rock star, and I think it's time will come. Even though other systems offer better installation, or better configuration, they don't solve some of the more complicated problems which Solaris does solve today...(zfs, dtrace, zones, etc...).


Alan DuBoff - Solaris x86 IHV/OEM Group
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