Alan DuBoff wrote:
On Tue, 24 Apr 2007, Alan Coopersmith wrote:

Except that the Device Driver community is defunct, having no contributors nor core contributors able to participate in community decision making, and as noted, it's really a better fit for Storage or the proposed File Systems
community than Device Drivers anyway.

How so, can you elaborate and how another community would participate in that decision making if they don't have a OGB member?

OGB membership is irrelevant - no community "has a OGB member" - what they
have is people they've designated as Contributors to their community.
You can see the list of Contributors on
Stephen Hahn sent repeated mails to each community over a 6 month+ period.
No one from the Device Drivers community responded with a single name of
a person who should be recognized as a Contributor to the community and
a member of the community's decision making body.

Certainly by lobbying the OGB, the Device Driver community is like any other community that exists today.

No, most other communities have selected people who can vote to make
decisions for the community.

Any defunct communities should be cleaned up, if Device Driver community is defunct, maybe it needs to be cleaned up with other defunct communities.

Agreed - but we haven't got that far yet.

It's on the agenda for tomorrow's OGB meeting, and as everyone on ogb-discuss seems to have agreed with it, I imagine it will be adopted then.

Do you folks meet once a week?

When there's business to conduct, yes.

        -Alan Coopersmith-           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering
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