a b <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Do you have a HP-UX-11.x system?
> Yes, I do.
> > Well, there is AIX but I am not sure whether IBM takes it for real
> > and I know of no "hacker" who is using AIX as development platform.
> I wanted to get AIX, but when I looked even at an outdated 32-bit 
> rack-mountable "AIX" PPC system, the prices of the hardware were so high I 
> just said - forget it! And the fact that one can't get AIX readily makes 
> things even worse. Perhaps it is possible to obtain AIX gratis, but it 
> certainly isn't obvious how and requires further "digging", however, without 
> IBM's PPC hardware to run it on, it's pointless.
> I know I could get an old slow RS/6000 system, but I only buy 19" 
> rack-mountable stuff. It's really not too bright to buy hopelessly obsolete 
> HW (old but useful is fine, as long as it's rack-mountable).

It seems that all refurbished AIX systems that include a newer version
of the OS are illegal. I tried to get a machine for a porting project together
with a license document to no avail.


 EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
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