One other comment. Generally, a project proposal, would be posted to
the interested communities for comment, before being submitted fait
acompli to the OGB. (I have cc'ed in those communities that I think,
at a minimum, should be included


On 5/31/07, Brian Gupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I was in the process of writing my own proposal for a reference build
(I got sidetracked because of all the distracting Indiana discussion),
I am including my incomplete draft proposal for consideration and

Proposal OpenSolaris Reference Distribution v0.1

1.  Introduction and motivation

1.1 Summary

 This project proposes to develop and release weekly distributions that
 would be used by OpenSolaris as their reference platform to develop on.

 This is similar to the role Solaris Express Community Edition plays now,
 But would be sustained and maintained by the OpenSolaris community,
 rather than Sun. The problem with SXCS is that it is not OpenSolaris,
 but rather a commercial operating system built by Sun.

 One of the serious issues with this approach, is that developing
 OpenSolaris code on a Solaris distribution does not provide any
 technical guarantees that the resulting code in unencumbered.

 The motivation behind this proposal is to change the development
 environment as it exists today, to put all distributions on equal
 footing. If the development platform is unencumbered there is a fair
 amount of certainty that the resulting code will be as well.

1.2 History and context

 Until recently Solaris and OpenSolaris were controlled by the same
 organization, Sun Microsystems. Recently OpenSolaris became an
 independent organization, with it's own governing structures and

 After this independence OpenSolaris did not start producing their
 own reference distribution, instead continuing to rely on Sun's
 Solaris Express Community Edition weekly releases.

2.  Discussion

2.1 Functionality

 There are certain certain bits in Solaris that have not been released
 to the community. This new Reference Distribution would be built
 without those components. Applicable suitable open source
 replacements would be found. If there isn't a suitable replacement,
 it would be incumbent upon the OpenSolaris community to develop
 suitable replacements.

2.2 Components

2.3 Documentation

2.4 Future projects

3. Interfaces

3.1 Imported interfaces

3.2 Exported interfaces Bundled files

4. References

In addition I have started a Wiki page where we can capture some of
the descions made by the project team.


On 5/31/07, James Carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Simon Phipps writes:
> > On May 31, 2007, at 13:36, James Carlson wrote:
> >
> > > I don't think anyone is saying that you can't create a distribution
> > > yourself without bothering with any project, community, or governing
> > > board.  You can.  Knock yourself out.
> >
> > But that's not what's happening. If a Sun-sponsored team went off
> > outside the scope of the community and created a distribution like
> > the one being proposed as "Indiana", all hell would break loose here.
> The part that you snipped away was where John Plocher was asserting
> that this case would somehow prevent future distributions (such as the
> ones we now have) from even starting.  I don't believe that's the
> case.
> > We are now at the stage where (as John Plocher said) for some reason
> > some high-profile individuals are "throwing up logistical barriers to
> > this effort instead of facilitating them", something that has not
> > seemed to happen to a project proposal on OpenSolaris before.
> I just don't see it that way.  Is having a community endorse this
> project a "barrier?"  And one that necessarily causes undue hardship?
> If so, then perhaps it's time to amend the constitution we just
> ratified.  Merely ignoring it doesn't seem like a reasonable option to
> me.
> > Thus, as a community member, I'd like to see a team form and get
> > started. I would really like to see the OGB we elected facilitate
> > rather than obstruct, please.
> So far, I haven't seen anyone trying to obstruct.
> --
> James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sun Microsystems / 1 Network Drive         71.232W   Vox +1 781 442 2084
> MS UBUR02-212 / Burlington MA 01803-2757   42.496N   Fax +1 781 442 1677
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