James Carlson wrote:
What I understand Keith to be saying (and what I agree with here) is
that if you're going to do that in the name of OpenSolaris itself --
not just "PlocherX" but "OpenSolaris Reference Release" -- then that's
logically something that ought to be a deliberate decision of the
community, and not something that "just happens" or (worse) "happens
because some executive at Sun says so."

That "executive at Sun" (Ian M) is also a member of the OpenSolaris
Community, and modulo his contributer grants, just as much a player
as you or I.

Where in the community's charter or constitution does it say
that creating /an/ (not /the/) OpenSolaris distro that can be
reused by others as a reference must obtain "special" approval
by the OGB or OS.o community at large?

I'm not sure it's necessarily an unmitigated good thing to have a
single privileged reference release (what happens to distributions
that decide to innovate in a different direction?),

So it boils down to the fact that the OGB [or at least some of its
members] either don't like the name of a project or object to
some aspect of its goals.

Neither is within the purview of the OGB - which exists to
resolve non-technical disputes, and not to create technical

but, as a
community member, I'd like to see something more concrete about what
the reference will contain before deciding whether to endorse it.

The OGB exists to make sure the OpenSolaris Community grows and
does cool things.  Get out of the way and let Indiana grow
and do cool things, or let it die and fail - but let it do those
things by and to itself.

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