> > 6562225 NVIDIA performance on AGP systems can be
> > terrible on b65
> > 
> > (Since the nvidia drivers are closed source, the
> bug
> > is not
> > visible on bugs.opensolaris.org - you can tell if
> >  it affects you
> > by checking dmesg/syslog for a nvidia driver error
> >  such as:
> > vidia: [ID 702911 kern.notice] NOTICE: NVRM:
> > nv_devmap: invalid mmap(): 
> > 0x00100000 @ 0x00000000f0000000
> > )
> > 
> > -- 
> > -Alan Coopersmith-
> > -           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System
> > em Engineering
> > 
> 1.  I did see this error message, but did not notice
> any problem (the installed machine has an nVidia FX
> card).  I have visited a couple of heavy graphic
> sites and played with MPlayer. Pretty normal.
> 2.  SX now does not configure NIC cards during
> installation, but it includes a graphic tool
> (Administration -> Network)  which makes this task
> greatly simplified.  (I like this approach.)  I
> checked both boxes: (1) enable this connection and
> (2) activate on boot.  However, I was unable to
> activate it with this graphic tool, and I had to
> reboot the machine to activate the NIC card.  What
> did I do wrong?
> 3.  For desktop users, try Moinak's suggestions if
> you think the performance can be improved:
> http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?threadID=3
> 1983&tstart=0
> His suggestion involves the following three
> actions/commands:
>     svcadm disable basicreg
> pkgrm SUNWupdatemgru
>     pkgrm SUNWbrg
>   To install Flash Player 9, following this thread:
> http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?threadID=2
> 6441&tstart=250
> Move to the end of that thread and copy the two
> downloaded and unpacked files as mentioned therein to
> the appropriate holder.
> 5.  Multimedia:
> Just enter the following command (as root) to install
> the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" multimedia packages put together by
> Alvaro Lopez Ortega:
> /usr/sfw/bin/wget -O -
> http://opensolaris.es/codec-pack.sh | bash
> as per:
> http://blogs.sun.com/alvaro/entry/opensolaris_codec_pa
> ck_updated

Actually all the actions other than mplayer codec pack should be integrated in 
SX, I mean since there is the technology and there isn't legal issue, asking 
extra labor is not adopter friendly whatsoever.


> and, all things considered, you will have a system (a
> "Solaris" desktop) that is, at least in certain
> aspects, better than any Linux distro or even Vista.
> Of course I am too biased (& thus too blind) to
> merit any credibility.  But it looks that we are
> getting unbelievably close to something (a
> "reference Solaris distro") that will make all of us
>  proud.
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