Kaiwai Gardiner wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-08-21 at 19:03 +0200, Joerg Schilling wrote:
>> Artem Kachitchkine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> The mountable filesystem types might not all show the same content.
>>>> This is why it makes sense to mount everything.
>>> Is that what the other three dominating OSes do?
>> No, but do you have a better idea for a solution that also works on 
>> systems without GUI and server systems?
>> IIRC, you are able to tell MS-WIN what to mount from the GUI.
> As cringe worthy as it sounds - how about an ncurses dialogue that
> appears on the screen when the cd is inserted, requesting the end user,
> on detection of a hybrid cd/storage, as to which file system driver to
> use?

Given a dialog saying "this disk contains filesystems in HSFS and UDF 
formats; which one do you want to mount?", how many users are really 
going to know which filesystem to select?  You might as well put up a 
dialog saying "press here to guess".

This is very different from a mixed audio/data CD where people can 
easily understand "do you want the data or audio part of this CD?"

Now, if you want to put up a dialog with some explanatory text saying 
"if this is a disk from Windows/Nero, you probably want choice A; the 
other choices are for advanced users who know differently" then that 
might be different.  But otherwise, presenting the user with a choice 
where most users won't know the right answer is not necessarily a big help.

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