On Wed, 2007-09-05 at 13:00 -0700, Alan DuBoff wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Sep 2007, Shawn Walker wrote:
> > So it would seem:
> > http://lwn.net/Articles/248227/
> >
> > If they actually follow through on this, I'd buy a new ATi card in a
> heartbeat.
> >
> > No offense to Intel for the great stuff they've done, but they just
> > don't compete performance-wise...
> I agree with the second comment there, Intel's approach not only
> seems 
> better but they're coming through with their promises.
> We have DRI for Intel chipsets for OpenSolaris today. This was due to 
> Intel providing some specs and info to Sun. My hat is off to them.
> Also, in the past ATI has had different drivers for open source and
> for 
> proprietary, AFAIK, and the performance has never been great for the
> open 
> source version. I would be skeptical of this cat/mouse game.
> ATI/AMD have told Sun they would provide specs, but if they have it
> would 
> be as of very recent. The fact that they're a partner to Sun and have
> not 
> been able to provide such information makes me skeptical of anything 
> written up on LWN, my $0.02.

Sun refusing to make noise doesn't help either. Considering that almost
every SPARC machine ships with ATI gpus inside, if they really meant it,
they would have removed it - and launch a campaign of pulling AMD's name
through the mud for poor co-operation with a partner.

> IMO, this is just another act of desparation, and I reccomend ATI only
> as 
> a last resort.

Even then, I'd sugges them to abandon modernity and go and live with an
armish community before wasting money and time on AMD.

> I've been very pleased with the nvidia driver that we have. While it
> is 
> not open source, it works really well.<wink>

I'm surprised that with how AMD treating Sun, after Sun giving them
(AMD) a leg up into the server space. A little 'good fellows' meeting
and making them realise there is a component of them holding their end
of the bargin is in order - you scrach my back and I'll scratch yours.
Lack of scratching on their part means concrete shoes ;-)


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