>Sun refusing to make noise doesn't help either. Considering that almost
>every SPARC machine ships with ATI gpus inside, if they really meant it,
>they would have removed it - and launch a campaign of pulling AMD's name
>through the mud for poor co-operation with a partner.

I'm not sure that is still the case; many of the framebuffers are
non-ATI.  (We only ever shipped cheap 2D ATI chips, I think)

>I'm surprised that with how AMD treating Sun, after Sun giving them
>(AMD) a leg up into the server space. A little 'good fellows' meeting
>and making them realise there is a component of them holding their end
>of the bargin is in order - you scrach my back and I'll scratch yours.
>Lack of scratching on their part means concrete shoes ;-)

One should not assume that a merger of two companies leads to all noses
pointing in one direction and it becoming "one" company.

Don't expect the willingness to hand out specs (as AMD does for its CPUs)
and the good working relationship we have with them building servers and
workstations to have any effect on the ATI part of the company.

It's like Adobe (née MacroMedia) flashplayer vs Acroread for x86[1].


[1] Perhaps the mention of Acroread for x86 should be an amendment to
Godwin's law.

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