On 31/10/2007, Alan Burlison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Eric Boutilier wrote:
> > I just realized the above has lost some context, so just to be
> > clear...  When I say "push" above, I'm referring only to the
> > naming of the today's release. I aware there's a plan in the
> > works to have a vote on trademark policy aimed at future naming
> > decisions.
> What will be the point of having a vote on something that is a fait
> accompli?

How do you know it is until we vote? If we vote and it isn't approved
but they still go forward, then you can say that.

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst

"We don't have enough parallel universes to allow all uses of all
junction types--in the absence of quantum computing the combinatorics
are not in our favor..." --Larry Wall
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