On 31/10/2007, Alan Burlison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Shawn Walker wrote:
> >>> I just realized the above has lost some context, so just to be
> >>> clear...  When I say "push" above, I'm referring only to the
> >>> naming of the today's release. I aware there's a plan in the
> >>> works to have a vote on trademark policy aimed at future naming
> >>> decisions.
> >> What will be the point of having a vote on something that is a fait
> >> accompli?
> >
> > How do you know it is until we vote? If we vote and it isn't approved
> > but they still go forward, then you can say that.
> They've already made the naming announcement, and there has been no
> announcement of a vote.  How is that *not* a fait accompli?

That's a rather fatalistic view.

To me, I didn't see a naming announcement. What I saw was a project
going forward with an early prototype having chose a tentative name
for it until the community gets their collective posteriors in gear
and makes a final decision.

I tend to look at it as a little fuel on the fire that was much
needed. It certainly got more people involved in the discussion which
is very desirable if we're going to have a result that most folks can
be happy with.

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst

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