On 31/10/2007, Ceri Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 31, 2007 at 03:32:23PM -0500, Shawn Walker wrote:
> > On 31/10/2007, Alan Burlison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Shawn Walker wrote:
> > >
> > > >>> I just realized the above has lost some context, so just to be
> > > >>> clear...  When I say "push" above, I'm referring only to the
> > > >>> naming of the today's release. I aware there's a plan in the
> > > >>> works to have a vote on trademark policy aimed at future naming
> > > >>> decisions.
> > > >> What will be the point of having a vote on something that is a fait
> > > >> accompli?
> > > >
> > > > How do you know it is until we vote? If we vote and it isn't approved
> > > > but they still go forward, then you can say that.
> > >
> > > They've already made the naming announcement, and there has been no
> > > announcement of a vote.  How is that *not* a fait accompli?
> >
> > That's a rather fatalistic view.
> >
> > To me, I didn't see a naming announcement. What I saw was a project
> > going forward with an early prototype having chose a tentative name
> > for it until the community gets their collective posteriors in gear
> > and makes a final decision.
> The next section of the railroad will inevitably be the position that
> calling the final release anything other than "OpenSolaris" will merely
> confuse those who downloaded "OpenSolaris Developer Preview", so to my
> mind it is fait accompli; on release, Indiana will be called OpenSolaris
> come what may.

I think the existence of a distribution that has OpenSolaris in it's
name is a foregone conclusion; our users have already made that

The only thing left to be decided is how that name can be used and
whether Indiana can represent it.

There final outcome of this could be that it gets renamed "OpenSolaris
Indiana" and all other distributions can use the name as well given
certain restrictions.

You are empowered to help see that happen. So, let's stop moaning over
spilled milk and start discussing those guidelines!

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst

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