On 31/10/2007, Alan Burlison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Shawn Walker wrote:
> >>> To me, I didn't see a naming announcement. What I saw was a project
> >>> going forward with an early prototype having chose a tentative name
> >>> for it until the community gets their collective posteriors in gear
> >>> and makes a final decision.
> >> Has the community been asked to make a final decision?
> >
> > The community would have to get their collective posteriors in gear
> > and help finish the branding and trademark usage guidelines first.
> > Then we can have a decision. How about that?
> The normal way a democracy works is
> A) Somebody makes a proposal
> C) everyone votes on it, if approved then
> C) The proposal is acted on
> The A C B ordering that's being used here is certainly novel.

That would only be true if you do not look at what has been done as
the proposal; which I happen to.

It's hard to propose something intangible; now we have something
tangible to base our proposal on. Seems far more logical that way,
doesn't it?

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst

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