On 01/11/2007, Joerg Schilling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John Plocher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Joerg Schilling wrote:
> > > You make an important mistake here: Indiana is not a community initated
> > > distro but a _Sun_ initiated one.
> >
> > You keep asserting this, as if anything done with or by people working
> > for Sun has no validity.
> >
> > Bullshit.
> Would you please use a less unfriendly wording?
> > If 95% of the people working on opensolaris things are Sun Employees,
> > then (in your perspective) 95% of the things done here aren't
> > community efforts.  Hey, we are OpenSolaris Community members also!
> >
> > > SchilliX was the first community initiaded OpenSolaris distro but Sun
> > > did not like to help with this distro.
> >
> > I'd say, rather, that Sun had its hands full with launching the whole
> > opensolaris effort, and didn't have the time, resources, connections
> > to the right people and/or legal ability to do the things needed to
> > make Schillix happen.  Transforming that complexity into a disparaging
> > "Sun did not like to help" is a  bit much.
> People did accuse that I did not try to create a community and for this
> reason, I need to explain that Sun was not interested in such a community.

Why should Sun have to be interested? You could have proposed
something to the community. Why must Sun be the one to make everything

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst

"We don't have enough parallel universes to allow all uses of all
junction types--in the absence of quantum computing the combinatorics
are not in our favor..." --Larry Wall
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