On 02/11/2007, Joerg Schilling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Shawn Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 02/11/2007, Joerg Schilling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > "Shawn Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > > Joerg, the only reason SchilliX hasn't gone anywhere is because you
> > > > and others haven't taken the steps necessary to make that happen.
> > >
> > > This is definitely not true.
> >
> > Yes it is. It is the same reason that star isn't integrated yet. No
> > one has done the work necessary to make that happen; or at the least
> > finish it. You can't just say "star is great tool, now please
> You constantly jump between different acusations. Please stop this.

It isn't an accusation. ksh93 got integrated; start hasn't. Therefore
I can only conclude one of two things:

1) that the necessary work to integrate start has not yet been done or finished

2) that a vast conspiracy exists at Sun to prevent start from being integrated

Since #2 isn't within the realm of reality; I'm going to go with option #1.

> Please do not blame me that (except Mike Kupfer and Jim Walker) nobody
> from Sun did contribute. If nobody from likes to help here, then Sun is not
> yet ready for OpenSolaris.

Jorg, blaming individuals for the lack of integration of star isn't
going to help anyone. Roland got ksh93 integrated so I have complete
faith you can get start integrated if you are willing to do the work
and *compromise* (e.g. deal with the whole compatibility with SUN tar
despite its problems).

> I am open to people who like to help, but please do not constantly try to 
> blame
> me that you and other do nothing.

Actually, I'd be more than willing to help you get star integrated; I
like it that much. However, I have not yet volunteered for that as I
don't have the time at the moment. I have my own RTIs I'm trying to
get done. However, once I have the time, I would be more than happy to
help you get through arc and do the necessary work required to get
star integrated.

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst

"We don't have enough parallel universes to allow all uses of all
junction types--in the absence of quantum computing the combinatorics
are not in our favor..." --Larry Wall
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