Mario Goebbels wrote:
>> Perhaps the installer can allow a choice of GNU, BSD and SysV (or 
>> de-jure UNIX
>> or hawever you want to characterise it).
> I wrote this multiple times before in this discussion. This is the
> easiest way to defuse that userland situation.
> After all, it was said from the beginning, that Indiana was meant to
> lure some of the Linux users. So I won't mind GNU being the default, AS
> LONG there's a comfortable way to avoid this, being a radio button list
> in the installer.
> Ideally, the radio options come with descriptive text, explaining to the
> user what they're about to select.
> Also, add POSIX as option.

Do you want to do a mock-up of what that might look like? I fear (and this is
purely an uninformed guess) that you're only going to alienate *more* users than
you'll make happy.

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