UNIX admin writes:
> > Yes, I tried "ifconfig -a plumb". It didn't change
> > anything; I still
> > just see the two lo0 devices (IPv4 & IPv6)
> While Juergen migh be correct with `ifconfig -a`, this syntax is new and 
> unknown to me. As far as I know, "plumb" argument always needs a NIC instance.

"ifconfig -a plumb" is an intentional, though undocumented, special
case.  Ordinarily, the "-a" option means "read SIOCGIFCONF to
determine what interfaces IP knows about, and operate on them."

With the "plumb" keyword, however, it means "read libdevinfo to find
all of the network devices in the system, and plumb each one into IP."

It's a handy feature if you know that your system has network
interface(s), but you're not sure what they're called, and can't
figure out the output of prtconf, prtpicl, and similar utilities.

If "ifconfig -a plumb" doesn't find the interface, then this means
that either the hardware isn't recognized by Solaris as being
associated with any usable driver, or the driver installed isn't a
network driver.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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